Tuesday, November 15, 2011

KCP&L Transmission Line- They are at it again!!!

Okay, people, we need to stand together because KCP&L is proposing another transmission line north of Camden Point this time. If you are already burdened by a line it might become twice as big and twice as nasty. Which just means that we have to be that way too. A few of my neighbors went to the meeting held by KCP&L, but unfortunately it slipped by me.

I went to their website and took their survey anyway because this affects me and I needed to make my opinions known. You need to make your opinions known too. Go to http://kcpl.com/iatannashua/survey.html as soon as possible to fill out the survey.

Here is what I wrote. Think about it, expand on your ideas and tell me what you think. Tell them everything.

Route 25- This is the line that already exists on my property. It is an eyesore, it lowers my property values, and the plants that are actually able to grow beneath them are a nuisance (cockleburs being the only thing that can survive in the scarred land). I have heard rumors that if line 62 were to be built that that line would be made twice as large, with even more electricity running through it. This worries me a lot. There are many health concerns that come with so much unnatural electricity running over my land.

Route 62- Running this line with connect with my existing line, 25, and the changes made to that line scare me. I do not want you to bring in more heavy equipment and tearing up my land even more than you did years ago. The evidence of this destruction will be evident until these lines are no longer needed, and that might be centuries away.

Why are you not using lines that follow interstates or highways instead of cutting across private land and getting into all of these fights with the locals. It is really not good for your public image. Why not use land that already has industry running through it. It would be easier for repairmen to access your lines for maintenance anyway.

We will fight this. I was a part of the group that protested line 32 that might have gone through Camden Point. I was a part of the fight against Iatan II. I know that KCP&L has lost a lot of money because of it. Camden Point is a tight-knit community and we will stand together as one against the transmission line. Take it South! Put it on a route along a highway! Keep it off private land! We do not want it! It creates an inconvenience for us, but we can become an inconvenience to you.


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